Smoking mirro lurking zombie quest
Smoking mirro lurking zombie quest

smoking mirro lurking zombie quest

* My posture – I stand very tall so I try to wear flats so I seem less of a giant but I’m going to wear high heels more often and not apologise for my height. * My eyebrows/eyes – I’m thinking smoky navy eyeliner everyday.

smoking mirro lurking zombie quest

I honestly don’t believe that one’s hair can ever be too big.

smoking mirro lurking zombie quest

* My hair – I’m thinking more accessories and more volume. To kick start the list of love here’s mine…

smoking mirro lurking zombie quest

If you have long, long legs I want you strutting your sexy butt in some killer heels.

Smoking mirro lurking zombie quest skin#

If you have caramel skin I want to see you moisturised and glowing in strapless tops. If you have long slender fingers I want to see manicures and cocktail rings. None of this ‘My thighs look like cottage cheese’ crap. Now I want you to think about these three features the next time you get dressed and think about playing them up. I want you to list three things that people have complimented you on. So on that note ladies I think we should all list our amazing features and acknowledge them instead of chucking tanties about stupid things that other people don’t even notice unless you point them out. EVERYBODY has some kind of beef with their body and we are all equal in our quest for physical perfection. Just because she is a size 6 doesn’t make her self loathing any less valid. I’m actually quite average in size but for some reason the bane of my existence is the fact that I’m not built like a ballet dancer. My little chat with the coffee making beauty (who IS built like a ballet dancer) made me realise that women of all shapes and sizes have issues with their appearance. I’m just tall and well built and a fairly healthy size 12. This got me thinking… Most women are uncomfortable with their bodies in some way right? Big thighs, small boobs, jiggly belly, tuck-shop lady arms, super fine hair, stumpy fingers etc… For me it’s not anything in particular it’s just being a ‘big’ girl. This gorgeous girl was letting her eyebrow anxiety shadow the fact that she is a freaking knock out. And I didn’t even notice her scabby eyebrows because I was too busy checking out her straight white teeth and swishy black hair. I would like to point out though, before the eyebrow incident I was checking out her teeny tiny bum in her teeny tiny jeans and lamenting that no matter how skinny I am my bum will NEVER be that small. They were obviously giving this poor girl a lot of grief. They were thin, pale, over plucked, half drawn on and were trying, but failing miserably, to hide beneath a long fringe. When she handed me this compliment I snuck a peak at her eyebrows for comparison. To be honest, they were pretty dismal. Despite the fact that they seriously need a pluck, they are perfectly shaped with a delicate curve that mimics the lines of my eyes. They are not too bushy and not to fine – The Goldilocks of eyebrows. I was terribly pleased by this compliment and shamelessly ran to the nearest bathroom to check them out. I looked at her and smiled awkwardly and she said ‘Sorry! It’s just that you have the most perfect eyebrows I’ve ever seen. Not right into my eyes but just above my eyes. I was buying coffee the other day and this gorgeous little creature behind the counter was staring at me.

Smoking mirro lurking zombie quest