Merchants of kaidan search taverns for girl in disguise
Merchants of kaidan search taverns for girl in disguise

merchants of kaidan search taverns for girl in disguise

"To live in this world daily was to traffic in the business of leading people astray. "We were all misrepresenting ourselves to each other after all," she says at one point. She's a single woman trying to make it in the big city, a Mary Tyler Moore of times gone by. Macallister's Kate comes from hard knocks, lost one big love and had a terrible husband.

merchants of kaidan search taverns for girl in disguise

In a silk gown, gloves and bonnet, she insinuates herself into situations where her male colleagues would fear to tread, in search of secessionist troublemakers and other bad actors. Some of the most successful agents in the war were women, but while most of them were on the Confederate side, Kate is Union to the bone. Kate gets better as she goes - and so does the book. Girl in Disguise, Macallister's sophomore effort, dives into case after case, convincing the reader as well as Pinkerton that Kate is an ace detective in this dangerous man's world. Warne proves herself while working a jewel theft, but must keep proving herself, over and over, to the bearded, middle-aged Allan Pinkerton and his gaudy cast of operatives. Chicago on the verge of the Civil War is the backdrop for our heroine as she answers a newspaper ad placed by the Pinkerton Agency - whose agents are the extra-legal blade runners of choice for America's wealthy, its demimonde, and its government. What Kate Warne does set herself to is fighting wrongdoers. "I hate spunk.") Warne was in real life the first woman hired by the famed Pinkerton National Detective Agency, back in 1856 - and in this historical novel, she sets herself immediately to solving the crime of what took them so long. Grant on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, informing Mary she has "spunk," before dropping the other shoe. Kate Warne, the heroine of Greer Macallister's detective romp, Girl in Disguise, personifies the attribute (I hear an echo here of Mr. Your purchase helps support NPR programming. Maybe you'd like to pay a cheaper price for furs in the summer, and sell them for a hefty profit as the winter is coming and people need warmth.Close overlay Buy Featured Book Title Girl in Disguise Author Greer Macallister The conditions are constantly changing, and supply and demand for different goods with them. He always expands his fleet of carts, he balances risks, calculates profitability. A good merchant surrounds himself with specialists smarter than him, people who help him maximize profits and minimize losses. A good merchant listens to rumours and gossips spread by travelers at inns and taverns hoping for a clue, a hint where to go, where a good deal awaits. He knows what forces influence the prices, what events affect them. And yet the job is harder than it seems.Ī good merchant needs to know everything about the market, he is always on the lookout for a deal, always listening, always engaging and deepening his knowledge. Buy low, sell high - a merchant's motto is easy to grasp.

merchants of kaidan search taverns for girl in disguise

Your task is to roam the world and search of opportunities to score some profit. You start very humble, one cart, a purse of gold and silver coins is all that you have. Merchants of Kaidan is a challenging trading game fused with lots of RPG elements. Regain your riches, restore your honor and punish those who have wronged you.

Merchants of kaidan search taverns for girl in disguise